Welcome to Dark Jedi Academy Roleplay

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This is a serious RP this is fully intended to making the best possible experience for everyone that joins. Anyone and everyone are welcome to play. The owner is working as much as he can to improve the server and give everyone the best time possible. Have fun and enjoy playing Jedi Academy roleplaying.


Use common sense.
Do not kill fellow Jedi, even if its an order.
Try to remain in RP at all times.
Any sexism or racism is not tolerated.
Do not ask for tryouts.
Do not ask to be whitelisted for jobs you have been trained to do.
Respect all players and staff.
What staff say is FINAL!
Do not use a Lightsaber hilt you have not been trained in.
Don't prop abuse.
Don't steal ships.
You may not RP as an exiled Jedi, corrupt Jedi, or anything of the sort.
Suiciding in public is not allowed. Do it in a private area.
Don't leave the planet without a masters approval.
NLR is active if the person hosting the event says so. No health resets should be happening if in battle or during an event at all.
Advertising other servers will result in a permanent ban.

Becoming a Jedi Youngling

To become a Jedi Youngling a rank of Padawan or higher must train a child in basic things of the Jedi. You may only use the abilities Force Heal and Force Absorb (Absorb only against blasters)

Jung - 180 degree turn

Jung Ma - 360 degree turn

Make them recite the Jedi Code.

Becoming a Jedi Padawan

To become Padawan you must be trained by a Knight or higher. Younglings must be trained physically and mentally. Padawans may use Force Absorb, Heal, and Leap.

Be trained in the art of dueling.

Meditate on what is your most powerful strength. (Lightsaber, Force, or other skills.)

Dual the more well trained Padawans and Knights.

Be taken to get a Kyber Crystal.

Becoming a Jedi Knight

Becoming a Jedi Knight is the hardest of the trials. You may only be trained by the 1-2 master appointed by the Grand master at the time. Knight may use all Force Leap, Heal, Absorb, and Repulse. The training to become knight can change depending on who is doing it but with be a result of lots of different feats and trials. And not even half of the people who do them will pass the first time.

Knight Trials - You must train everything so you can to pass. Force Leaping, Dueling, Jung/Jung Ma, everything that you have done to get to the point of Padawan you must train hard in it to even get close to passing the trials. You can and will be failed if you do anything wrong.

Jedi Chief Librarian

Master of the Holocrons and Library. You know all things Jedi and teach people who need to know anything of the Jedi.

Jedi Temple Guards

Temple Guards patrol the Jedi temple.

The trials of being temple guard change depending on who is doing them. They mostly result in duels. Guards may only use pikes and may change back to knight when not patrolling.

Jedi Masters

Jedi Masters are some of the highest ranked Jedi in the order. They are the teachers and are well trained in combat along with the force. To best them in combat is a true feat and showcase of skill of the highest honor.

Becoming a Jedi Master is not like any other trials of the Jedi. instead of tasks to be done the other masters put your name to a vote and majority wins. The only exception to this is if the Grand Master does see a reason for you to not be ready he may deny the vote until the next master meeting.

Jedi Council

The Jedi council are chosen every Wednesday along with the Grand Master. When a new Grand Master is voted in he will choose his council and the masters that were chosen will be put within certain jobs of the council like Hilt master, Battle Master, Etc.

Grand Master

The Grand Master is voted in every Wednesday and every master's name is in the running. The Grand Master is in charge of all the Jedi he sends the masters on missions and speaks with the council on raising problems within the Jedi order.

The Grand Master can be voted out of the job if the council has a valid reason and has a majority vote with the whole council. If a vote like this is to succeed the council will then vote on any of the masters to replace the current Grand Master.

Jedi Sentinel

You will be given missions to complete by the council. Eg Scout mission to see what the sith might be up to. The classes each have a specific role to play. This is the last step to be promoted to master, if the jedi are called to a debrief none of you should be standing up front. You still have to be in line and listen in to your mission. You cannot enter the council room unless you ask or the Council or the Grandmaster.

Jedi Sentinels Are the defensive type. Instead of smashing though the door they will find a way to lockpick it or open find another way. The Sentinels use the staff saber aka dual saber, once you get promoted to this class you will need to be trained to use the staff saber hilt. For the Sentinel this is also a great chance to be picked for a guard.

Jedi Guardian

You will be given missions to complete by the council. Eg Scout mission to see what the sith might be up to. The classes each have a specific role to play. This is the last step to be promoted to master, if the jedi are called to a debrief none of you should be standing up front. You still have to be in line and listen in to your mission. You cannot enter the council room unless you ask or the Council or the Grandmaster.

Jedi Guardians Are the offensive type. If there is a door in there way they will smash down the door and break it. If you are sent on a mission to attack, let the Consulars in first and reason and maybe come up with a deal but if it goes badly attack. You will be the first to fight.

Jedi Consular

You will be given missions to complete by the council. Eg Scout mission to see what the sith might be up to. The classes each have a specific role to play. This is the last step to be promoted to master, if the jedi are called to a debrief none of you should be standing up front. You still have to be in line and listen in to your mission. You cannot enter the council room unless you ask or the Council or the Grandmaster.

Jedi Consular On the other hand will just knock on the door. They are balanced with the force and fighting. They rely more on the force then anything else. Eg wrap around target by leaping. They talk wisely and speak with the jedi code in mind.

Jedi Duels

Dueling as a Jedi is to be respectful. You must bow before you fight. Anyone may refuse a fight if they so wish do not force someone to fight. Winning always feels good but do not boast and gloat about winning to your opponent in OOC. If you're defeated in a duel its is not counted as a death but a defeat.

Custom Jobs

If you purchase a custom job you may fast track to master if it has a lore friendly reason to be a Jedi Master. Things like Boba Fett are allowed but will not be considered Jedi Masters if purchased. Along with this, we will not allow creatures that are not considered fully sentient.

Flying Ships

Flying ships is very strict. Masters and up may fly ships freely without permission. Anything under that needs permission from a master or up. Anyone that does not have permission will be warned and if they refuse to get out of the ship they will be kick and or banned. Ramming people intentionally with ships is an instant ban.

Event Jobs

Event jobs are only to be used during events hosted by Game Masters or higher. Lower ranks may host events if they have permission from a Game Master or up. Any abuse of the event jobs will result in ranks being stripped and or temporary bans if multiple cases occur.

Donator Rules

If you donate to the server it does not give you permission to break any of the rules posted here. Breaking rules will still get you in trouble and or banned from the server. Do not abuse what has been given to you or it will be taken away. Heroes may use the Zhrom's pack hilts but 3 of them are NOT allowed. The gauntlet, the cross, and the golden snake.

~~Staff Rules~~

Do NOT mass heal unless it is a trial or event.

Do NOT pick up other people for no reason.

If you ban someone make sure to put a reason for banning them.

Always listen to the higher staff.

If you are unsure of a sit or punishment call a higher up.

Do NOT self Promote or promote anyone without asking the trainer or proof.

Don't go undercover as staff.

Don't ask for a promotion in staff rank it will come when you're ready.

Do NOT set your health higher then what you spawn with unless you are an event job.